House Renovation Club

The renovation process can be overwhelming. You don’t have to do it alone.

We can take a wild guess and assume you have your hands full. Renovations cause stress. Whether it’s because you don’t know where to start, are experiencing decision paralysis, or are living in a construction zone, the journey can feel isolating. That’s where we come in.

Welcome to Kickstart House, Re:modern’s support community especially for homeowners going through the renovation and construction journey. We’ll help you learn best practices, and provide a planning and decision-making framework to help you get to your next step. And most importantly, remind you that you’re not alone. It’s like group training for a marathon, one where you are set up to win.

The specs

Get our Ultimate Guide to Successful Remodels, for free.
Free planning and design resources, delivered right to your inbox.
Early, discounted access to live and online events, meetups, webinars, workshops, and programs.
All events are moderated by a design professional, a.k.a your personal House Coach.
Crowdsourced pricing gets your general questions answered at an affordable cost.


The Perks

Gain focus on priorities as you begin planning your project.
Feel empowered and informed when you contact vendors.
Avoid feeling overwhelmed and frustrated about the complexities of the process.
Gain clarity on what your next step is.
Engage with a fun and social community of homeowners going through the same journey.
Save money and avoid costly mistakes.

